CED wishes to use various types of advocacy but of importance is a peoples driven approach,
the community in this are already working with CED to implement a sustainable livelihood
program as well as environmental conservation which CED plans to use as a type of
advocacy owing to its success. The district being an ASAL area the major problems involves
degradation of a fragile ecosystem that negatively affects their livelihood through recurrent
droughts, water and food scarcity. The awareness project will focus on improving people
livelihood through a good agro-forestry and pastoral education curriculum that is sustainable
both to the environment and the community.
CED therefore wishes to request for about Kshs 4 million to implement the project in
Mutomo District.
Brief Back Ground and Rationale of the project.
Advocacy represents the strategies devised, actions taken and solutions proposed to influence
decision-making at the local & state level to create positive change for people and their
Kenya is a low-income food deficit country within certain areas, especially the ASAL (Arid
and Semi-Arid Lands) experiencing environmental degradation and as a result chronic food
insecurity. Mutomo district which is our focus area, is one of the districts in eastern Kenya
classified as Arid and Semi Arid lands (ASALs) receiving annual rainfall ranging from 750 –
1150 mm of rainfall annually split into two seasons. Over 90% of the agro-pastoral
communities living in the district are frequently affected by drought, experiences chronic
food insecurity and live below the poverty line.
The community will be informed on various issues like Disaster preparedness, water
harvesting, good agricultural methods that control soil erosion, proposal writing and
fundraising, early warning systems, drought and risk assessment, agro forestry, alternative
sources of energy, food storage techniques, new methods of stabilized blocks-making to
reduce over dependence on cured clay bricks that consume a lot of fire wood.
Long-term sustainable agricultural practices, self-dependency and improved livelihood in
Mutomo depends on increased use of appropriate Natural Resource Management (NRM)
practices that maintain and enhance soil fertility and integrity of the environment, improve
quality of crops for food, animal feeds and enhance soil, water management and
It’s against this background that CED seeks the funds to implement Mutomo Environmental
Advocacy and Empowerment Project. This will integrate awareness activities to change the
community attitude towards environment, and protect our natural resources. It will be geared
for the community members to value it a resource that needs their protection.
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