Restoring Nairobi’s rivers


CED is involved in food security through promotion
of agriculture,soil and water conservation as well
as providing water to marginalized communities.
In order to fight and eradicate poverty, CED has had the
support of various local and international organizations

Food Security


Distribution of metal silos
and Training on use of metal silos

Distribution of metal silos

The Nairobi River restoration is a project steered through the Nairobi Rivers Commission. Caring for environment for development (CED) through our sustainability pillar partnered with the commission to ensure that the restoration of our Nairobi Rivers that had become heavily polluted due to plastic and chemical illegal disposal through our human and factory activities within these rivers.

As part of this process Caring for Environment for Development (CED) is focusing on Ecosystem management. We are managing the restoration using a holistic approach that restores our natural resources and ecological processes while supporting our social, economic and cultural values.

Our approach has been:

  1. Restoring the diversity and abundance of the life in the Nairobi rivers and riparian habitats
  2. Enabling landscape restoration

  1. Working with the communities around the rivers to restore the rivers
  2. Championing to scale by encouraging other partners to join in the course

  1. Bringing the rivers into good ecological status in support of the global agenda to reduce our carbon footprint.
  2. Maintaining an open and consultative approach with all stakeholders
